Find answers to your organ, eye and tissue donation questions.
What can be donated?
Organs: Heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, pancreas, and intestines.
Tissue: Skin, veins, tendons, bone, heart valves and connective tissue.
Eyes: Whole eye or cornea.

Who does donation help?
One person’s gifts of organ, eye and tissue donation can help more than 75 people! In addition to the recipients whose lives are restored, donor families often share that their loved one’s gifts of donation help them in their grief journey. Donation is something positive that can come from the death of a loved one.
Why should I register as a donor?
There are many more people waiting for a life-saving organ transplant than there are organs available, and many, many more need a tissue or cornea transplant. More than 2,700 of our neighbors in the Upper Midwest are waiting for a transplant and the situation nationally is even more desperate, with about 100,000 people waiting for a transplant and approximately 17 people dying each day due to the organ shortage.
How do I register to be an organ, eye, and tissue donor in Minnesota?
Minnesotans can register online to be an organ, eye and tissue donor. You can also register by checking the box on your driver’s license or state ID card application, or when you apply for your hunting and fishing license online. Remember to share your decision with your loved ones.
How do I register to be an organ, eye, and tissue donor in North Dakota?
North Dakotans can register online to be an organ, eye and tissue donor through the Department of Transportation. You can also register as a donor by checking the box on your driver’s license or state ID card application.
If you have any questions about registering to be a donor online, please contact the Department of Transportation by calling (701) 328-2600, email dl@nd.gov or visit your local driver’s license station.
How do I register to be an organ, eye, and tissue donor in South Dakota?
South Dakotans can register online to be an organ, eye and tissue donor through the Department of Public Safety or by mail using this form. You can also register as a donor by checking the box on your driver’s license or state ID card application.
If you have questions about registering to be a donor online, please contact the driver licensing program of the Department of Public Safety by calling 1.800.952.3696 or by email.
Is it secure to register online?
Absolutely! All information submitted online is used only for official Donate Life Minnesota donation and transplant business and is kept completely secure and confidential. The information is only accessible to a small number of experts with the sole purpose of verifying donation decisions. We do not share, sell or otherwise compromise this information.
What are the criteria for becoming an organ, eye and tissue donor?
Organs, eyes and tissues can only be donated after death. Age and health criteria are evaluated on an individual basis at the time of death, and everyone can consider themselves a potential organ, eye and tissue donor.
Can someone who is LGBTQ+ be an organ donor?
Absolutely! A person’s sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or expression does NOT prevent that person from becoming an organ donor. Everyone who believes in donation is encouraged to register as a donor.
How will my decision be shared with my family?
We encourage you to share your donation decision with your loved ones. Should you have the opportunity to become a donor, the donation coordinator will share your documented decision with your family at the time of your death. Your family will be asked to provide information about your medical and social history at that time to ensure the health of transplanted organs, eyes and tissues. Your family will be supported at the time of donation and in the months and years following your death.
What if I change my mind after I register as a donor?
You can remove your name from the online registry by sending us a written request. Please send your request to us at the mail or email address below and include your full name, address and phone number or email address in case we have questions and need to get in touch to complete your request.
Attn: Donor Registry
2225 West River Road North
Minneapolis, MN 55411
Please keep in mind that at the time of your death your family may still be asked if they would like to make the decision to donate on your behalf.
If you have registered as a donor on your driver’s license or state ID card, you will need to remove your existing donor designation by getting a duplicate or new license or ID card and writing the word “REMOVE” on the application by the donor designation question. Please note that there is a charge if you request a duplicate license or ID card between renewals to remove your donor designation.
What if I change my mind after I register on my North Dakota driver’s license?
You can remove your name from the registry online through the North Dakota Department of Transportation. Please keep in mind that at the time of your death your family may still be asked if they would like to make the decision to donate on your behalf.
What if I change my mind after I register on my South Dakota driver’s license?
You can remove your name from the registry online or by sending a written request to the South Dakota Department of Transportation. Please keep in mind that at the time of your death your family may still be asked if they would like to make the decision to donate on your behalf.
How else can I register to be a donor in Minnesota?
If you want to join Donate Life Minnesota but are uncomfortable submitting your information online, you can print a registration form and mail it to LifeSource at:
Attn: Donor Registry
2225 West River Road North
Minneapolis, MN 55411
Minnesotans can also add ‘donor’ to their driver’s license when they apply for or renew their license. You can also go into any Minnesota driver’s license office at any time to request a duplicate license with ‘donor’ on it. Please note that there is a charge if you request a duplicate license or ID card between renewals to register as a donor.
Does my registration on Donate Life Minnesota include whole body donation?
No. Organ, eye and tissue donation for transplant or research is not the same as willed body donation. Willed whole body programs are usually associated with teaching hospitals at major universities, and arrangements must be made in advance directly with the chosen institution.
Does Donate Life Minnesota allow me to register as a bone marrow or living donor?
No. Donate Life Minnesota is for Minnesotans who want to document their decision to donate their organs, eyes and tissues after their death. For information on bone marrow donation, visit Be The Match.
Living donation is managed directly through a hospital’s transplant center. Living donation opportunities most often include kidney donation, although in special circumstances a person may be able to donate a portion of their liver or a lobe of their lung while living. Visit LifeSource’s website for a list of transplant centers in the Upper Midwest.
Who are the donation agencies in Minnesota?
LifeSource is a non-profit organization dedicated to saving lives through organ, eye and tissue donation.
Lions Gift of Sight is committed to restoring sight through eye donation.
American Donor Services is committed to saving and healing lives through tissue donation.
Who manages Donate Life Minnesota?
LifeSource, the non-profit organization dedicated to saving lives through organ, eye and tissue donation in the Upper Midwest, is responsible for maintaining Donate Life Minnesota.
Who manages organ, eye and tissue donation in North Dakota?
LifeSource, the non-profit organization dedicated to saving lives through organ, eye and tissue donation in the Upper Midwest, manages donation in North Dakota. Learn more about LifeSource.
Who manages organ, eye, and tissue donation in South Dakota?
LifeSource, the non-profit organization dedicated to saving lives through organ and tissue donation in the Upper Midwest, manages donation in South Dakota. Learn more about LifeSource.
Dakota Lions Sight & Health also manages eye and tissue donation in the state. Learn more about them at this link.
Donation Myths & Misconceptions
There are many questions and myths around organ, eye and tissue donation. Check out these videos to get the facts and learn that regardless of your age, race, religion, or health you can still share the gift of life.
Registering as an organ, eye and tissue donor is an incredible gift!
If we haven’t answered your questions here, please give us a call at 1.888.5.DONATE.